
21:00 - 22:00 on the 4th Sunday of the month

Cindytalk started life as Edinburgh based punk/post-punk band, The Freeze. Part of a burgeoning Scottish Punk scene kicking off in 1976, they played around Scotland for the next 6 years before relocating to London in 1982 where a strategic name change brought with it a record deal and endless and continuing adventures.

Cinder has been Cindytalk’s sole constant member since that name-change in the early 1980s. A series of band albums from Camouflage Heart (1984) to Wappinschaw (1995) saw the group develop an often uncompromisingly dark, intense and poetic body of work, with Cinder’s vocals complemented by music which moved between industrial, post-punk, ambient and fully improvised, while directly connecting across disciplines to performance, film and other media. DAIS Records (USA) are currently reissuing those albums in 2022-25.

Since 1995, Cindytalk has continued in both group and solo form, across live performance and recordings. During this period, Cindytalk increasingly embraced improvisation in live settings and electronic work through recordings. A series of solo and predominantly electronic albums on the Editions Mego label, from The Crackle of My Soul (2009) to The Labyrinth of the Straight Line (2016), saw another formidable body of work developed. Most recently, Of Ghosts and Buildings was released on the Japanese label Remodel in 2021, continuing Cinder’s integration of electronics with field recordings. Cindytalk have performed in many cities across the world including Tokyo, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Glasgow, Berlin, London, Paris & Rome.

Cinder also recently recorded collaborative releases with Michael Wollenhaupt (Ancient Methods), In The Mouth Of The Wolf (Diagonal Records 2016), and with Massimo Pupillo (Zu), Becoming /// Animal – A Distant Hand Lifted, a live improvised work (Trost Records, 2017). Recent collaborations include Petr Vrba (Cz) - Fire Like Fire and Drekka (U.S.) - Tremble With Joy. Live work with the first three of those projects saw performances at various festivals around Europe (Unsound in Krakow, Festival Alternativa Prague, Hradby Jednoty Plumlov Castle Cz).

After periods in the USA and Japan, Cinder recently returned to Scotland, from where Cindytalk’s new album Subterminal (False Walls U.K.) was developed across 2020-21. The initial ideas for Subterminal were excavated from recordings developed during the process of making Of Ghosts and Buildings (2021). The resulting album continues and extends Cinder’s interest in longer-form compositions, which have been telegraphed since The Labyrinth of the Straight Line (2016).

Their show on RBV, "If There Is Something..." is on the 4th Sunday of each month at 9pm.