"Lost Transmission is a dynamic and captivating radio show that is dedicated to building and showcasing the talent of local and international techno DJs and producers. Hosted by a team of passionate and knowledgeable music enthusiasts, the show provides a platform for emerging and established artists to share their music and connect with fans.
In addition to featuring sets from some of the most exciting techno artists from around the world, Lost Transmission also offers in-depth interviews with these musicians, allowing listeners to gain insight into their creative process and personal experiences. The show also introduces listeners to new music, exploring the latest trends and developments in the world of techno and electronic music.
Whether you're a die-hard techno fan or just starting to explore the genre, Lost Transmission is a must-listen show that will keep you engaged and inspired. With its commitment to supporting and promoting new talent, as well as its dedication to exploring the rich and diverse world of techno music, Lost Transmission is a true gem in the world of radio."
Whether you're a die-hard techno fan or just starting to explore the genre, Lost Transmission is a must-listen show that will keep you engaged and inspired. With its commitment to supporting and promoting new talent, as well as its dedication to exploring the rich and diverse world of techno music, Lost Transmission is a true gem in the world of radio."